Chasing Dramas

Currently Watching: Perfect Match (2025) 五福临门

Perfect Match (2025) 五福临门

Summary: The Li family uproot their lives and head to the capital to establish a new life. Mama Li has 4 unmarried daughters in tow, hoping to find good matches for them in the capital. Her second daughter, Li Er Niang (ft Wu Xuan Yi 吴宣仪) is in a tumultuous marriage with Fan Liang Han (ft. Huang Sheng Chi 黄圣池) and seeks her family’s help. Li San Niang (ft. Lu Yu Xiao 卢昱晓) puts into motion some clever plans to save the marriage, catching the attention of Chan An (ft Wang Xing Yue 王星越), cousin to Fan Liang Han. They have a proxy battle as they each support their kin. The story unfolds with the Li family making their presence known in the capital and find the perfect match for each young woman.

Total Episode Count: 36

Initial Airing Date: Jan 25, 2025

Platform: Mango TV, Hunan TV

Final Rating 7.0/10 – A lighthearted and entertaining romantic comedy, provided one overlooks its numerous problematic themes. There are multiple handsome couples to see and it is an enjoyable ride from start to finish. While it may not be a particularly well-crafted production, it succeeds in delivering a fun and engaging escape. That said, it’s best enjoyed without scrutinizing the plot.

Li San Niang 郦三娘 Lu Yu Xiao 卢昱晓

Third daughter of the Li family, she has strong principles and the wits to match

Chai An 柴安 Wang Xing Yue 王星越

Young, handsome, and wealthy, he was initially dismissive of the Li family

Li Da Niang 郦大娘 Liu Xie Ning 刘些宁

Eldest daughter of the Li family, she's intelligent and virtuous who sacrifices much for family

Du Yang Xi 杜仰熙 Chen He Yi 陈鹤一

An ambitious young man with sights set on politics who has his own calculations

Li Er Niang 郦二娘 Wu Xuan Yi 吴宣仪

Hot headed second daughter of the Li Family, she makes her presence known in her husband's household

Fan Liang Han 范良翰 Huang Sheng Chi 黄圣池

Well meaning and henpecked husband who embraces his role

Li Si Niang 郦四娘 Ke Yin 柯颖

Fourth daughter of the Li family, she pursues her goals with determination

Shen Hui Zhao 沈慧照 Liang Yong Qi 梁永棋

An incorruptible official who is sometimes too strict

Li Wu Niang 郦五娘 Hua Yang Dian Tian 黄杨钿甜

Fifth and youngest daughter, she's spunky and rash but knows how to play the game

Zeng Yi 杨羡 Cao yu Chen 董思成

A seemingly spoiled rich boy who meets his match

Overall Thoughts

This romantic comedy strikes a balance between lighthearted entertainment and low-stakes charm. With five main couples and numerous side pairings, there is likely at least one duo that viewers will find themselves rooting for. Sit back and enjoy the ride. I often caught myself smiling throughout the drama, as it delivers an engaging and easygoing viewing experience. I breezed through this drama in only a few days.

However, the show is not without its major flaws, particularly in its thematic messaging. While it is marketed as a story that respects and uplifts women, in reality, it largely centers on the idolization and glorification of men. The narrative reinforces the outdated mindset that a woman’s fulfillment is inherently tied to marriage and that her social standing is entirely dependent on her husband. The drama’s overt reinforcement of female inferiority has drawn considerable criticism, particularly given the wider societal context in China, where marriage rates continue to decline compared to previous generations.

Personally, I found enjoyment in the series by approaching it as pure escapism, recognizing it as a form of indulgent, unrealistic entertainment. While I appreciated the moments that celebrated female camaraderie, family connections, and the genuine affection the male characters have for their wives, it is impossible to ignore that these so-called “happy” marriages exist entirely on the men’s terms. If a husband were to be unfaithful, the women in this drama appear to have little recourse, further underscoring the underlying gender dynamics at play.

The drama explores the relationships of four Li sisters, maintaining a brisk pace to neatly conclude all storylines within 36 episodes. Similar to Bridgerton, each couple takes center stage for several episodes, while the other family members appear intermittently to advance the plot. Viewers will likely find themselves drawn to their own favorite “mini-season” within the series.

Yu Zheng, the notorious producer, had high expectations for the drama, particularly as it secured a coveted primetime slot on Hunan TV during the Lunar New Year holiday. However, its performance has been lackluster at best, with ratings ranging from middling to disappointing. It seems audiences ultimately opted for the allure of the movie theaters and Ne Zha 2 over tuning into this series.

What I Liked

  • The Strength of Family and Sisterhood: The heart and soul of the drama lies with the women of the Li family. Each of them is unique, yet they’re all intelligent, well-educated, and understand the value of standing united. Mama Li is an admirable figure who raises her daughters to be respectable and confident, knowing their worth in the world. Mama Li is a funny, kindhearted, sometimes flighty, but resolute woman who is the role model for her children. The women of the Li family also understand that without supporting each other, they could easily be taken advantage of. I’m glad that there’s no backstabbing or stealing of husbands in this drama. The best parts of the drama are when all the women of the Li family come together to hatch a plan or plainly just gossiping with one another. I could have taken many more episodes of them all chatting in a room.
  • Low Stakes: This is a drama that’s all about finding husbands, wives, and outsmarting one another. Rather than delving into grand narratives involving the Emperor or world-saving missions, the storyline remains grounded in personal and familial conflicts. It explores greed, ambition, pride, family, and love. Yu Zheng sure does know how to make engaging tv with well known tropes. The conclusion of the drama is evident from the outset, with the outcome of a happy ending all but assured. The focus is on the journey the couples take to reach that conclusion. The drama incorporates a good dose of comedy and definitely don’t think too hard about if any of this would be allowed in a historical context. In a time where there’s a lot going on in the world, I just want some fun escapism without having characters making grand sacrifices to save the world. 
  • Doting Husbands: I will address the more problematic aspects involving the male characters later, but I’m so glad how each of the husbands in these pairings becomes completely captivated by his wife and truly loves her. While each man has his own pride, it is set aside when it comes to his wife and the Li family. Before marriage, these men have their own issues, but upon meeting their “perfect match,” they embrace the changes in their lives, going so far as to change themselves too. Each man comes to genuinely respect his wife’s family, from her mother to her sisters, and, in turn, each son-in-law is welcomed into the family. While it may be pure escapism that all the women find such wonderful husbands, I willingly accept it. It is heartwarming to see the in-laws form a supportive bond, and particularly amusing when they evaluate a potential new addition to their circle.

What could have been better

  • Continued themes of male superiority: The drama centers around the idea of finding a perfect match, yet every female character reinforces and accepts the notion that marriage is the only viable option. While set during the Song Dynasty, offering some degree of historical accuracy, the drama, which claims to empower women, still presents them as subject to societal expectations and at the mercy of men. The male characters frequently engage in problematic actions toward their partners, which are often dismissed as jokes because they express regret for their actions. At other times, the men intentionally harm their wives under the guise of “protecting” them. These actions are ultimately forgiven, but it is disheartening to see the men absolved of responsibility. If those actions were taken by women, they would not have been absolved whatsoever. Moreover, it is troubling to hear so many women in the drama express the outdated beliefs. The drama never states that those beliefs are wrong and just brushes them off.
  • Focus on men’s backstory and lack of focus for the women: My primary issue with the drama is that while the focus is meant to be on the women of the Li family, it is the men who are given fully developed storylines. Early on, we learn that the Li family fled their home to escape greedy relatives, yet the narrative quickly shifts to finding matches for the women. In each “mini-series,” ample attention is given to the male characters, with their backstories and motivations explored in depth. However, we receive little development for most of the Li family members. By the end of the drama, I could recount the fears, ambitions, and traumas of the men, but when it comes to the women, we only get a glimpse of one character’s depth. While the Li sisters are present throughout the drama, the focus is more on how they interact with their partners than on their own individual journeys.
  • Forgettable Leading Lady: Lu Yi Xiao received top billing for this drama and was heavily promoted by Yu Zheng, but her presence is barely felt even during her “mini-series”. I didn’t get the feeling that she was truly “special” as to take up the mantle of the leading lady and the one that catches the eye of Chai An. She was overshadowed by her other sisters both from a portrayal perspective and from a characterization perspective. She’s barely in the other “mini-series” when her other sisters are feature prominently in hers. Lu Yi Xiao has turned heads in supporting roles, but doesn’t quite command that presence here.

MAJOR SPOILERS - My thoughts on the couples!

  • Li Da Niang and Du Yang Xi: This was my favorite couple, even though I had the most problems with Du Yang Xi. I was just so enamored by the elegant, intelligent, and composed eldest daughter of the Li family. Liu Xie Ning is absolutely stunning in this role and honestly stole the spotlight every time she was on screen. Li Da Niang suffered the most hardship of the Li daughters but pulled herself together to protect her family. She does hold some outdated beliefs, but that’s how she believed she should live. She finally embraces her new relationship with Du Yang Xi and the idea that marriage is more than just two people living together. I was totally shipping this couple, more for her though.
  • Li Wu Niang and Yang Xian: This is my second favorite couple. Huang Yang Xian Tian has grown to be a lovely young teenager and extremely age appropriate for the role. The character of Li Wu Niang, while young and hot tempered, has learned from her older sisters and surprisingly handles the difficulties of her husband’s household with ease. She’s also the one who most pushes the boundaries of traditional patriarchal society. Yang Xian does some questionable things before marriage but becomes a changed man. It’s no wonder that viewers have really warmed to this couple.
  • Li San Niang and Chai An: I enjoyed this couple just fine. I talked about my qualms about Lu Yu Xiao and the character of San Niang earlier, but gosh darn, they are a very cute couple. Wang Xing Yue really turns up the charm and it’s hard to not fall for it. Communication is a big issue early on in their relationship and Chai An does some REALLY questionable things. Overall, a cute couple.
  • Li Si Niang and Shen Hui Zhao: Oh the straight faced and incorrigible judge paired with a wily young woman, the fireworks just fly! The cold hearted man gets warmed by the fiery and stubborn young woman. This was an enjoyable couple with just the right amount of tension, although I personally don’t condone Li Si Niang essentially throwing herself at Shen Hui Zhao
  • Li Er Niang and Fan Liang Han: This is the most comedic couple of the family. They’re married when the drama begins and it’s just fun and games from there. Fan Liang Han becomes the besotted husband who hilariously becomes the double agent multiple times for his wife. He gladly embraces the mantra of “happy wife, happy life” and does not hesitate to let everyone else know.

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